Mid-Year; A Time To Take Stock

Business 29th June 2017

We’re at that halfway point of the year and now is an ideal time to take stock, and review the past 6 months. It’s so easy to get caught up with the day-to-day issues but good leaders know that regular strategic planning is essential.

So what are your plans for the next six months? 

Mid-year is often the time when businesses review annual objectives.  How many have been achieved?  Are employees on track?  Are the objectives still applicable?  Should you be revising them or setting new ones?  Now is a great time to review what has been achieved so far and put plans in place to make sure employees know what is expected of them and how they can play their part in driving business forward during the second half of the year.

Mid-year is also a good time to review any new legislative changes that have come into force.  Changes often take place during April and hopefully by this point they will be well and truly embedded into your business, but if things have slipped a bit now is the time to make sure you are ticking all your legal obligations.

Christmas may seem a long way ahead of us, especially now the sun has decided to make an appearance and people are getting ready for their summer holidays, but it will soon be upon us.  Forward planning for the end of the year can help to avoid a lot of headaches as we head into the fourth quarter.  December is a busy period for many businesses and forward planning will serve you well, especially as this is likely to be a peak period when many staff will be looking to take annual leave.

If you’ve taken your eye off the ball during the first half of the year now is the time to take back control.

We offer an HR audit service, and we can help you to end the year with a bang. If you would like to chat about how we can support you with your people activities please get in touch by completing the Contact Form or calling us on 01604 763494 to arrange your no-obligation discussion.

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