Marketing….HR….or both?
If Marketing and HR went ‘head to head’, which function would be the winner? Who’d take the trophy as the business owners can’t-live-without tool? And perhaps more interestingly, could one exist without the other?
When businesses are looking to increase their bottom line, or attract more of the best customers and clients, they often look for outside solutions. Over recent years’ social media platforms have been top of a lot of business agendas and we have seen a steady increase in advanced sales tactics, and external providers who can generate new leads on autopilot. Bringing in a regular stream of new business and revenue is essential, and it’s never going to be too far from your mind.
But what about HR?
Historically, back in the days of ‘Personnel and Welfare’ departments, HR was often described as the ‘tea-and-sympathy function’. Nowadays good HR Consultants are business savvy (often running their own businesses), pragmatic and commercial, and progressive business owners understand that they have a vital role to play.
After all …
– If you aren’t training your staff to be their very best, then things will quickly start to fall apart.
– If problems are left unresolved it’s unlikely that strategic objectives are going to be met.
– If there’s a culture of apathy and discontent, your growth will be stalled, and you’ll quickly end up with a workforce that just treads water, and is satisfied with achieving the bare minimum.
In the majority of circumstances, your employees will play a vital role in helping to grow your business. Of course, the reality is that when you’re looking to expand, there’s never one magic strategy; however, one missing link could have a massive impact on your ability to grow and be profitable.
But for your marketing and sales activities to work and for you to continue to grow and deliver exceptional service to your new customers, it will always come back to your people; they are at the heart of everything you do.
If you are investing time and money into growing your business but not seeing the results you expect, it might be time to think about where your key players fit into all of this, and how you can make sure that you’re giving them what they need in order to thrive.
If you would like to chat about how you can get the best out of your people, please get in touch by completing the Contact Form or calling us on 01604 763494 to arrange your no-obligation discussion.