How To Max Out To The End Of The Year

As we are now well into the final quarter of the calendar year it’s time to knuckle down and make a concerted effort to end the year on a high. Whether it’s a special promotion to entice festive spending, or a new service offering, there’s still time to end the year on a high. But if you’re serious about ‘upping the ante’ then it’s time to think about how you can leverage your most valuable asset – your people.
We’ve got a few practical hints and tips that you can start implementing right away.
Consider refresher training
At this time of the year, exceptional customer service can make a huge difference when it comes to your profits. Are your staff comfortable with talking about your products and services? Can they pinpoint opportunities to offer an upsell? Are they firing on all cylinders or is there room for improvement?
Take time to consider how you can offer training to drill down on key points, and take performance to the next level. You don’t have to spend a fortune on bringing in external providers, so think outside of the box when it comes to upskilling your staff.
Everyone works better if they know what they’re striving for
If your staff have been in the same job for a while, then they can easily fall into a mundane routine. They turn up to work, do their bit, and then go home. Could it be the case that they’re feeling complacent? If so, now’s an excellent time to get your leadership team together and ensure that everyone has realistic but stretching goals.
Employees should understand and recognise the contribution they make to the bigger picture and how they make a difference.
Work out how to incentivise outstanding performance
Pay isn’t the only factor that motivates your employees to get out of bed in the morning; you need to consider how you can make sure that your employees know that their contribution is valued.
This doesn’t have to be something that puts a strain on your budget. There’s loads of things that you can do to offer an attractive incentive for outstanding performance, even if you’re on a tight budget. And, never underestimate the value of saying thank you.
The year is speeding to an end, but if you start acting now on the points we’ve outlined above, you can make a difference to your final quarter performance. So, what are you waiting for?
If you need some help with managing that final push, then pick up the phone and call us on 01604 763494. We’re looking forward to having an initial chat about how we might be able to help you make a difference.